by Nancy Alexander, PT, CSCS Last month we discussed the importance of creating a post-pandemic plan to get active again. Creating a plan is one thing, but it’s the DOING that matters. Hope is …
What is Your Post-Pandemic Plan?
By Nancy Alexander, PT, CSCS “I am so out of shape,” a current Buff Bones participant said to me. “These past two years have taken a big toll on me.” “I’m winded with just walking a short …
The Power of a Word
By Nancy Alexander, PT The turn of a new year is magical. There is something about the calendar change from December 31st to January 1st that makes us take stock in where we are and dream into the …
Flip the Script
By Nancy Alexander, PT A few weeks ago, a woman I didn’t recognize walked into my Buff Bones® class here in Florida. I welcomed her and she told me she had attended my class before but it was a …
Experience the Gifts of Movement
By Nancy Alexander, PT The holidays are upon us and what better time to appreciate the gifts all around us. Have you ever thought of movement as a gift? I do and I know many of you do, too. The …
7 Tips to Improve Your Posture
By Nancy Alexander, PT There is something very important to you as you live your life and move, and that is posture. What is posture and why is it so important? Posture is body position. It is one …